Sunday, August 14, 2016

4 At the Carport Canopy Material Type

4 At the Carport Canopy Material Type - For a minimalist home and luxury home there is usually a distinct impression in the front yard. Well sometimes the most important is the overhang of the car or be referred carport has a very good function where the carport to protect your car or the items below from rain and ultraviolet light and also can be used as a simple garage.

Minimalist Canopy Model

To remember the carport function is to protect good you should consider a good design with that size and application can ..and you can also use a safe and durable material. And the use of materials carport helps you customize the design of the house itself. The concept is made also must be in harmony with the environment because it is in front or behind the house so it seems very harmonious and blend with your home.
So in choosing the material for the carport of your house you can also use a plastic-type material or mica and other materials that are important are security can be guaranteed. Okay here is one that can be used for material carport.

1. Cain polyethelene

For Cain has a character polyethelene plastic chewy so suitable for use in the carport using tent construction. And small pores makes this material is somewhat transparent so as to allow the sun to penetrate to the carport floor, but weak with tiny pores that make the water can go down and as tampias.

2. Glass

Additional carport for materials you can use material from this type of glass will produce the impression of an attractive and luxurious, but weak when it hit something then it feared there will be a detrimental cracks existing objects underneath.

3. Polycarbonate

For a material that is extremely suitable for carport for dai made material that is light and simple and can keep whatever is underneath so well that usually one of which is widely used in homes of the elite.

4. tile

For components that this one could be a variation of matching-based clay material tiles are widely used in the home other elite even now precarious there is made of various sorts can be of ceramic and clay mixed rock and metal is very good also to protect objects below that follow well and could be a simple carport for variations of your home.

Thus the discussion of four type Material Canopy At the Carport we can provide to you, may be useful and could be a reference for you. This information is from rumahanda always provide tips and information about the design and decoration of the house every day just for you. Then you can also see more information here as Beautifying Tips Fence With Plants

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